Three Beginner Vape Tricks to Try if You Want to “Wow” Your Friends

Mar 18, 2023

In the last couple of years, vaping has been a popular trend around the United States of America. While it might have been frowned upon in the last decade, it has now been increasingly popular with the general public today.

Other than smoking cigarettes or marijuana, vapes have been a staple in American culture.

For this reason, a variety of vape shops have popped up here and there – not just in Fort Worth, Texas. So if you’re looking for the best online vape shop in the area, Vape DZ is the place to be. Know that we will deliver around the country; that’s a guarantee.

If you’re a vape user looking to learn vape tricks, here are three of the best beginner vape tricks you can try if you want to “wow” your friends:

  1. The Waterfall

This vape trick is fantastic and it can transform your vape into a substantial and quite an enjoyable water-like fluid that can flow down from the container. This vape skill isn’t too difficult to learn, all you need is a bottle with frozen water on its bottom so you can use it to create a waterfall. Then take a draw, blow the vape into the bottle, and then you can gently pour it out.

  1. The Tornado

This is one of the most basic techniques that will require you to engage your hands. All you have to do to create this tornado-like effect is to exhale your vapor quickly, then learn how to use your hands to cut the surface. You can then elevate your arm and swipe your wrist up to ensure that you’re doing everything at the same time. Lastly, take a step back and observe the twister shape develop.

  1. The Dragon Trick

This trick is one of the simplest vape tricks in our books, and after a bout of practicing, you’ll be inhaling vapor like a pro. While this is an elaborate trick, you’ll look like a pro once you end up like a flaming dragon. This technique will surely amaze anyone looking at your vaping tricks.

To learn more tricks, simply reach out to our team today and we’d be more than happy to teach you. Know that we will do our best to teach you – that’s for sure.

You can also shop our latest vapes here at Vape DZ. After all, we ship around Fort Worth, Texas, and beyond.