Rolling in Style: The Top Five Rolling Paper Brands of 2023

Jun 3, 2023

Rolling papers are an essential part of the smoking experience for most people. Although with so many brands and varieties to choose from, it can be so hard to know where to start.

Worry not though because our team of experts at Vape DZ will be highlighting five of the best rolling paper brands in the United States of America. Know that we’ve tried and tested these brands, and these are the ones that caught our eye in 2023.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to roll up with some of the best rolling papers in the market.

  1. RAW

RAW is a popular brand that has been around for over a decade. Their papers are made from natural and unbleached fibers that are designed to burn slowly and evenly. They also have a variety of sizes to choose from – know that you can roll up as little or as much as you want.

  1. OCB

Did you know that OCB has been around since 1882? This brand is known for its thin and lightweight papers that are so easy to roll. They also have a wide range of flavors to choose from, and this is something that smokers around the country love.

  1. Juicy Jay’s

If you’re looking for a little extra flavor in your smoke, then Juicy Jay’s is the way to go. They offer a wide variety of fruity and sweet flavors like “Strawberry Fields,” “Grape,” and “Cotton Candy.” Their papers are also made with natural sugar gum and are designed to burn slowly and smoothly – we love this.

  1. Elements

Elements is another brand that uses natural and unbleached fibers in their papers. They also use a criss-cross watermark that helps prevents runs while keeping your smoke burning evenly. They offer a variety of sizes including the “King Size Slim” and the “1 ¼” – this is a crowd favorite, for sure.

  1. Zig Zag

Last but not the least, Zig Zag is a classic brand that has been around for over 130 years – you read that right. They offer a variety of sizes and flavors, and they have “Ultra Thin” papers that are designed to burn slowly and evenly.

So if you’re in the Greater Fort Worth Area, why don’t you head over to Vape DZ to give these brands a try? Who knows? You might just find your new favorite rolling papers.

Although remember to always smoke responsibly and within the legal limits of your state – happy rolling, everybody, and don’t forget to get your smoking needs at Vape DZ.