Kois are very similar to cats and dogs as far as enjoying treats is concerned. While buying pre-made koi snacks from fish joints is possible, freshly prepared treats are preferred. Fortunately, Koi is a hardy omnivorous fish that consumes almost everything, so finding something it will fancy is easy. The following is a guide to a diet that may work.
Vegetables and Fruits
You can help your Koi reduce stress levels by feeding it fruits and vegetables. This also helps enhance their immune system and improve color development. This is because both fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and useful nutrients.
Do not be dismayed if they do not recognize the food immediately, as this may take a while. However, once they do, they will be more enthusiastic. Just make sure to prep the veggies and fruits by cutting and removing any husks that may be difficult to consume. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, corn, peas, raspberries, and grapefruits, to mention a few.
Kois are omnivores, so they will also enjoy meats as their source of protein. Your snack options should include small insects and aquatic animals they can easily find naturally. For snack options, you could include sardines, shrimps, mosquito larvae, prawns, wax moth larvae, frog eggs, earthworms, and so much more.
Cheese and Eggs
Koi love hard-boiled eggs when given to them as snacks as long as they are broken down into small pieces. Cheese is also one of the tasty options they can opt for. However, be careful to choose a good quality cheese in this case.
Honey and Grains
Kois loves whole grains in pasta and rice. These are rich in minerals and vitamins and make an excellent snack. Just be sure not to add salt to them when preparing. They will also enjoy bread, oatmeal, and honey cheerios.
Feeding Koi Treats- How to Do it Right
Treats should be treated as supplements to the main koi diet. Avoid feeding the Koi in winter since the temperature will be less than 65 degrees. Additionally, let the koi feed on the snacks for at least five minutes before removing any leftovers from the pond. Never overfeed, no matter how tempting it is.
You can always tell that you are overfeeding your Kopi by the water quality in the pond. The water will turn color and release toxins into the water, affecting the Koi in the long run.